
Here's a list of all Logic currently in latest version of Gameplay Ingredients.

Name Description
DelayedLogic Perform the Calls after a delay. Can perform other calls if delay is interrupted
EditorOnlyLogic Performs the Calls based on conditions of being a Standalone Player, Editor and/or Play From Here
FlipFlopLogic Two Way Latch Logic, calls one list of Callable or the Other every time it is called.
Logic Basic Logic forwarding, Calls a list of Callable scripts.
NextFrameLogic Waits until the next frame to perform the Calls
NTimesLogic Perform the calls depending on a maximum counter value. Every time it is called, it increments the counter value.
PlatformLogic Perform the calls based on current game platform. (PC,Mac,Console,Mobile, etc.)
RandomLogic Perform one call at random from a list of Callable
SaveDataLogic Perform the calls based on testing a value from the Game Save Manager.
SaveDataSwitchOnIntLogic Calls the Nth item of a Callable List from an integer value stored by the Game Save Manager
SetInstigatorFromFactoryLogic Changes the Instigator and forward the calls. The instigator is picked from a Factory based on an index.
SetInstigatorLogic Changes the Instigator and forward the calls
StateLogic Forwards the calls based on a State Machine Current State