
Managers are Game-Wide utility Scripts that are meant to exist only once, such as Singletons. These are spawned automatically upon game startup, and lie into the DontDestroyOnLoad scene.

Many components of Gameplay Ingredients rely on these managers to perform general game tasks, such as loading levels, fading to black, accessing game saves,....

Built-in Managers

Gameplay Ingredients come with the following built-in managers:

  • FullScreenFadeManager : Manages Fading screen From/To Black
  • GameManager : Manages Loading Game Levels, Main Menu, and Game Progression
  • GameSaveManager : Manages storing save data to disk
  • LevelStreamingManager: Manages loading scenes and display Loading UI
  • ScreenshotManager: Manages taking screenshots
  • UIEventManager: Manages Focusing on UI
  • VirtualCameraManager : Manages a single camera for your game.

Manager Creation Logic

Whenever the game performs it [RuntimeInitializeOnLoad] (after the first frame's OnEnable() and before the first frame's Start(), the runtime code will try to load all managers (except those defined in the Excluded manager list of the Gameplay Ingredients Settings Asset). In order to spawn an instance, the runtime will try to load a prefab in the Resources folder with the following priority (first found).

  • Prefab that matches the name defined in the [ManagerDefaultPrefab] Attribute of the Manager C# Class.
  • Prefab that matches the name defined in the [ManagerDefaultPrefab] Attribute of the Manager C# Class, prefixed by Default_.
  • If no prefab is found while the [ManagerDefaultPrefab] is defined, the creation will fail.
  • If no [ManagerDefaultPrefab] is set : the system will create one game object with a default instance of the Manager Script.

Managers should not reference each other during their OnEnable() methods, as the code that loads them is performed during the [RuntimeInitializeOnLoad], it is advised to reference them during the Start() method instead.

Exclude Managers

If you do not need a manager to be spawned, you can exclude it in the Gameplay Ingredients Settings Asset . Please be aware that some managers rely on other managers and thus can start behaving incorrectly.

Accessing Managers (C#)

Managers can be accessed using the following API:

  • bool Manager.Has<MyManager>(): returns whether a manager of give type (MyManager in our example) is present
  • MyManager Manager.Get<MyManager>(): returns an instance of the manager of the Given type (MyManager in our example). You can always check beforehand using the Has<T>() method.

Writing a Manager (C#)

If you need to create your own Managers, you can implement a class that derives from GameplayIngredients.Manager. A manager does not implement any abstract functions so it's rather straightforward to write.

You can implement the [ManagerDefaultPrefab("MyManager")] attribute if you want your manager to rely on a prefab for its configuration. This can be useful if your manager is bound to other game objects such as UI, AudioSources, etc.


Here's an example of a simple Manager, that draws framerate to a UI Text in the Canvas. As it relies on a UI.Text, it will need a Prefab to be completed.

using UnityEngine.UI;
using GameplayIngredients;

public class DrawFrameTimeManager : Manager
    public Text text;

    void Update()
        if(text != null)
            text.text = Time.deltaTime.ToString();